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Mission, Guiding Principles and Logo

Our Mission Statement

“The Dehcho Land Use Planning Committee will develop a land use plan as a management tool to determine what type of land use activities should occur and where they should take place. This plan will balance economic, social, environmental and cultural needs and interests.”

Our Guiding Principle

“This plan will be guided by the principles of sustainable development and respect for the land, as understood and explained by the Dehcho Elders.”

Our Logo

The logo design was initiated by Herb Norwegian, when he was Committee Chair in 2002 and modified through input from other Committee members. The final design was reached by consensus and adopted by all Committee members. Each piece of the logo has special significance to the Dehcho:

  • The 14 poles of the teepee represent the 14 aboriginal organizations of the Dehcho First Nations;
  • The fire represents the relationship between the land and the people;
  • The fire logs represent the four directions;
  • Green represents land;
  • Blue represents water;
  • Red represents fire;
  • Yellow represents the sun; and
  • White represents the wind.